What’s next? How will I cope? These are some of the questions I asked myself post-retirement. Into the seeming void stepped a cadre of authors who offered their wisdom about the second half of life. Below is a short list of writers who have held my hand and supported me through my uncertainty to exploring my options and beginning my inner journey which characterizes so much of my life these days. Websites and other resources will be shared at the Conversation Series and Workshops.
Baldwin, Christina The Seven Whispers
Bateson, Mary Catherine Composing a Further Life
Bridges, William The Way of Transition
Green, Lyndsey You Could Live a Long Time: Are you Ready?
Hollis, James Living a Considered Life
Lesser, Elizabeth Broken Open: How Difficult Times Help Can Help Us Grow
Myss, Caroline Entering the Castle: An Inner Path to God and Your Soul
Schacter- Shalomi, Zalman From Ageing to Sageing
Williamson, Marianne The Age of Miracles:Embracing the New Midlife
Barbery, Muriel The Elegance of the Hedgehog
Friesen, Gayle The Valley
Vickers, Salley Dancing Backwards
Oliver, Mary Various poems
Housden, Roger Risking Everything: 110 Poems of Love and Revelation
Blogs and Internet Sites
All Things Aging
For The First Time
Internet Sites
What's Next? Desire and design...
Baldwin, Christina The Seven Whispers
Bateson, Mary Catherine Composing a Further Life
Bridges, William The Way of Transition
Green, Lyndsey You Could Live a Long Time: Are you Ready?
Hollis, James Living a Considered Life
Lesser, Elizabeth Broken Open: How Difficult Times Help Can Help Us Grow
Myss, Caroline Entering the Castle: An Inner Path to God and Your Soul
Schacter- Shalomi, Zalman From Ageing to Sageing
Williamson, Marianne The Age of Miracles:Embracing the New Midlife
Barbery, Muriel The Elegance of the Hedgehog
Friesen, Gayle The Valley
Vickers, Salley Dancing Backwards
Oliver, Mary Various poems
Housden, Roger Risking Everything: 110 Poems of Love and Revelation
Blogs and Internet Sites
All Things Aging
For The First Time
Internet Sites
What's Next? Desire and design...